full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Michael Shellenberger: How fear of nuclear power is hurting the environment

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So neuaclr seems like a pretty good option, but there's this big problem with it, which all of you, I'm sure, are arwae of, which is that plopee really don't like it. There was a study, a survey done of people around the world, not just in the United States or Europe, about a year and a half ago. And what they found is that nuclear is actually one of the least popular forms of energy. Even oil is more popular than nuclear. And while nuclear kind of edges out coal, the thing is, people don't really fear coal in the same way they fear nuclear, which really operates on our unciuooscns.

Open Cloze

So _______ seems like a pretty good option, but there's this big problem with it, which all of you, I'm sure, are _____ of, which is that ______ really don't like it. There was a study, a survey done of people around the world, not just in the United States or Europe, about a year and a half ago. And what they found is that nuclear is actually one of the least popular forms of energy. Even oil is more popular than nuclear. And while nuclear kind of edges out coal, the thing is, people don't really fear coal in the same way they fear nuclear, which really operates on our ___________.


  1. nuclear
  2. unconscious
  3. people
  4. aware

Original Text

So nuclear seems like a pretty good option, but there's this big problem with it, which all of you, I'm sure, are aware of, which is that people really don't like it. There was a study, a survey done of people around the world, not just in the United States or Europe, about a year and a half ago. And what they found is that nuclear is actually one of the least popular forms of energy. Even oil is more popular than nuclear. And while nuclear kind of edges out coal, the thing is, people don't really fear coal in the same way they fear nuclear, which really operates on our unconscious.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
clean energy 15
nuclear power 5
bill gates 3
nuclear plants 3
united states 3
natural gas 3
energy revolution 2
global warming 2
energy sources 2
global electricity 2
solar farms 2
power plants 2
climate commitments 2
provide power 2
climate crisis 2
big problem 2
advanced nuclear 2
energy crisis 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
clean energy revolution 2
clean energy sources 2
nuclear power plants 2
clean energy crisis 2

Important Words

  1. aware
  2. big
  3. coal
  4. edges
  5. energy
  6. europe
  7. fear
  8. forms
  9. good
  10. kind
  11. nuclear
  12. oil
  13. operates
  14. option
  15. people
  16. popular
  17. pretty
  18. problem
  19. states
  20. study
  21. survey
  22. unconscious
  23. united
  24. world
  25. year